The Applied Consciousness Research Division conducts scientific research in the fields of consciousness and extraordinary cognitive skills, such as genius abilities, intuition, psychokinesis and telekinesis, remote viewing, and extrasensory perception abilities, to understand such abilities and to develop services that would be of value to individuals, scholars, researchers, forecasters, the financial industry, the mining industry, and many others. This includes scientific research on all of the subjects indicated by the research centers below, as well as, other specialized subjects in these fields.
In addition to research, this division provides training, where possible, to enhance people’s extraordinary abilities, and includes training in remote viewing, telepathy, precognition, psychometry, telepathy, and other forms of extrasensory perception. This division also conducts evidence based scientific research to determine the truth and reality behind claimed extraordinary experiences and observations, and conducts investigations to expose charlatans and frauds, as well as, to identify those who may actually have extraordinary mental abilities.
Division Director: Dr. Dominique Surel
Faculty, advisors, research associates, and others doing research or with a major interest in the Research Center subject areas below: Dr. Dean Radin, Dr. Stanley Krippner, Dr. Charles Tart, Dr. Russell Targ, Dr. Julie Beischel, Dr. Carlos Alvarado, Dr. Courtney Brown, Dr. Fernando Alvarez, , Dr. Norman Allentoff. Dr. Imants Baruss, Dr. J. Kenneth Arnette, Massimo Biondi, M.D., Dr. Brian Ross, Dr. Jean Burns, Dr. Donald Clewell, Dr. Barry Colvin, Dr. James Conroy, Dr. Gilbert Desmet, Dr. Jacob Liberman, and others.
Research Centers:
Consciousness Research Center
Divination Research Center
Dowsing Research Center
Extrasensory Perception (ESP) Research Center
Fraud and Charlatan Investigation Center
Intuition Research and Development Center
Mind-Matter Interaction Research Center
Near Death Experiences (NDE) Research Center
Precognition Research Center (Joint with Forecasting Division)
Radiesthesia Research Center
Reincarnation Research Center
Remote Viewing Research Center